underwater digital article about the sun and moon

A funny story about how the Sun and the Moon invited the huge ocean over to visit. This African legend explains how they managed to do it and for what price.

Thousands of years ago, the Sun and the Moon decided to live together. They got along just great, so they built a large spacious house to live happily in.

Sunlight, Sea, Night, Reflection, Sky, Moon, Moonlight, Horizon, Atmosphere, Cloud, Ocean, Wave, Computer Wallpaper, Outer Space, Astronomical Object, Wind Wave, Full Moon - Underwater Digital Article About The Sun And Moon

One day, the Sun said to the Moon: “The Ocean, our good friend, could come over for a visit. What do you think?” The Moon happily agreed. She had always liked the Ocean.

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The Sun was well aware of the incredible vastness of their friend. But being the good host he was, he assured the Ocean that there was plenty of room in their house, and that he would surely feel at home there. Eventually, the Ocean agreed to pay a visit.

The next day, the Ocean timidly knocked on Sun and Moon’s door. The Ocean stood outside, still doubting whether he would fit even though the house was truly enormous. The Sun threw the door wide open, and the Ocean started slowly flowing in. The house was quickly filling up with water, but the Sun and the Moon kept encouraging the Ocean not to stay at the doorstep. Although the house was indeed spacious, the water rose all the way to the windows. The Ocean was ashamed of his size and clumsiness so he didn’t want to go any further. But the hosts kept assuring him that everything was fine.

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African TaleThe Lion and the Hare 8 min 5+ If someone is stronger, it does not mean they can blame others unjustly. The lion accused the turtle of sniffing off all the aroma from the meat he had roasted. This is why it wasn’t tasty. He even went so far as to ask the sultan to recognise the crime and punish the turtle. Fortunately, the cunning hare helps her out in the end.

Chinese TaleThe Four Dragons 11 min 5+ This tale explains how the four largest Chinese rivers came into being. It was thanks to four kind-hearted dragons who decided to stand up to the cruel ruler of the rain to help people during the great drought.

Finnish TaleThe Mouse Bride 16 min 5+ A story in which everything turns for the better thanks to the patience and faith of the main character. When the king decides to hand over the kingdom to one of his three sons, he sends them to find skillful brides. However, the youngest son marries a little gray mouse, so he worries about how she will handle his father's tasks, which he has prepared for the brides-to-be.

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We like gingerbread more than cookies. But sometimes we need cookies to improve the quality of our web. Check out our Cookie Policy for more information.Future moonwalkers could benefit from underwater training at the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory, a facility already used by NASA for International Station missions. An early test here shows work with a prototype suit and a small vehicle upon simulated moon regolith. (Image credit: NASA)

The famed Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory (NBL) near NASA's Johnson Center in Houston has trained hundreds of walkers since 1992. All International Station crews spend many hours by simulated modules in the large, indoor pool of water. There, they gradually get used to floating, turning screws, mounting hardware and other activities — all within reach of trained safety divers.

Nearby the ISS training area is a growing lunar-like world. Simulated sand and boulders (both natural and artificial) ornament the pool floor. Prototype suits and lunar vehicles take dives.

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Underwater experiments at the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory will happen with the harsh lunar lighting of the lunar landscape, which creates extreme shadow and light differences and makes judging distance difficult. (Image credit: NASA) (opens in new tab)

Even the strange sun conditions on the moon are coming into focus, as company V2X experiments with the lighting that NASA astronauts will face at the moon's south pole in 2025 or so, when Artemis 3 goes on the surface.

Underwater Spacewalks Recreate The 'moon' In A Giant Pool (photos) - Underwater Digital Article About The Sun And Moon

As NASA expands its Artemis program at the moon, the agency expects that commercial companies will quickly follow it there. Already an agency-supported program called Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) has a set of payloads, landers and rovers aiming to touch the surface as soon as this year.

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V2X expects the demand to quickly grow, and they want to be ready with their underwater moon world for whoever needs to train for walks in a strictly monitored environment.

Two suited test divers work in the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory in an underwater, simulated lunar landscape. The lab is already used by NASA for International Station missions, and early-stage work is ongoing by V2X to ready part of the pool facility for moonwalks.

A suited diver works here with a prototype vehicle on a moon-like landscape, made up of both artificial and natural sand and boulders.

Sunlight, Sea, Night, Reflection, Sky, Moon, Moonlight, Horizon, Atmosphere, Cloud, Ocean, Wave, Computer Wallpaper, Outer Space, Astronomical Object, Wind Wave, Full Moon

Harsh lighting will be present at the Artemis program's ideal landing location of the south pole of the moon, due to the sun's low angle. This scene here underwater at the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory attempts to recreate that with pool divers.

Tests are ongoing to make the underwater conditions as realistic as possible for future moonwalkers, including ways of recreating the partial (one-sixth) gravity of the moon. Safety is top of mind in all these efforts, officials have emphasized.

Why The Sun And The Moon Live In The Sky - Underwater Digital Article About The Sun And Moon

The company emphasizes that the work is being done carefully and procedurally to keep all participants safe and aware of the environment, just like other clients in NBL training (as the facility serves both NASA and commercial customers.)

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"It's a very, very important thing to do not only for our people, but if you think about the astronauts who are training, we supply their breathing gas. We supply their cooling water. We supply all their videos, " he added.

Other moon work is also ongoing at the water surface level of NBL: V2X participated in simulated landing operations of the Artemis 1 mission after years of practice in the pool. That uncrewed 2022 mission not only sent the astronaut-rated Orion craft around the moon for the first time, but had a flawless splashdown in part due to years of training and preparation for recovery operations.

"It could not have gone better, " Tomlinson said of the recovery, which happened after plenty of NBL practice to shelter from outside conditions in pristine, calm waters. As the team gained experience, they moved to the Gulf of Mexico "to simulate some more realistic states" in open water so the team would be ready for an Atlantic Ocean splashdown.

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Recovery operations for the NASA Artemis 1 moon mission were practiced for years within the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory to account for different splashdown conditions, like an upside-down capsule. (Image credit: Supplied by V2X) (opens in new tab)

The NBL was not available to astronauts in the 1960s and 1970s when the Apollo program last brought people to the moon, so a lot of new things are being learned to simulate moonwalks. Weights and flotations are used to keep suited divers at one-sixth of the Earth's gravity, similar to the moon's conditions.

What Lies Beneath: Our Love Affair With Living Underwater - Underwater Digital Article About The Sun And Moon

Lessons learned are drawn from all the literature available, too. For example, NASA has been practicing underwater excursions for years during its NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations (NEEMO) missions. Swims and simulated 'walks' happen near the submerged Aquarius habitat in coastal Florida. Astronauts and divers alike have partnered there for futuristic asteroid missions by humans, among other things.

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The NBL moon training will take advantage of a more controlled environment, however. Engineered sand, lying on the pool floor, is designed to mimic the regolith astronauts will step upon while on the lunar surface. Panels in the bottom of the tank are also being inserted to create inclines and declines, to help astronauts prepare for the sandy and steep slopes moonwalks require.

"It's really becoming an impressive environment, " Tomlinson said, emphasizing the team will keep adapting and making careful safety adjustments as more experience comes in.

NASA has not put out any call for proposals yet for moonwalking training, but given how quickly commercial is ramping up, V2X expects private customers will also need underwater simulations.

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"We're in a daring time, " said Tomlinson of the new moon push. The maturing industry, he added, means customers are acting more like partners and working collectively to reach goals.

"You can feel that throughout the entire center, " added Tomlinson, who has been at NBL for eight years. "There's excitement around the exploration and new challenges ... it's more [now] than I've seen previously."

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Summer Of Science

Elizabeth Howell (she/her), Ph.D., is a staff writer in the flight channel since 2022 covering diversity, education and gaming as well. She was contributing writer for (opens in new tab) for 10 years before joining

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